In February we rolled out a fresh set of updates to enhance performance, compatibility, and functionality across our Magento extensions. These improvements are designed to streamline your experience and maximize efficiency.
Let’s dive into what’s new!
Made Hyvä Checkout-Compatible:
Advanced Permissions
- We resolved the issue with displaying allowed websites for users with limited permissions.
- We fixed the error when a user with editing permissions attempted to edit products while logged in through incognito mode.
- We resolved compatibility issues with Amasty Request a Quote; quote creation now works as intended.
- We fixed the issue with the missing primary key in the module tables.
- We addressed the issue when switching between store views.
Advanced Reports
- Order numbers for new and returning customers are now displayed in the 'New vs Returning Customers' report in Pro and Premium versions. (Available with an active product or support subscription.)
- We added a total row at the end of the report to sum values in each column in Pro and Premium versions. (Available with an active product or support subscription.)
- We optimized the export process for the 'By Product' report.
- We introduced a new metric, 'Average Order Number of Items,' on the Advanced Reports Dashboard.
- We added the ability to filter orders by status in the 'New vs Returning Customers' report.
- We resolved the issue with incorrect product numbers in the 'By Product' report.
Custom Checkout Fields
- We added compatibility with Adobe Payment Services. (Available with an active product or support subscription.)
Customer Group Catalog
- We added compatibility with Live Search for the Enterprise and Cloud editions. The 'amasty/module-customer-group-catalog-live-search' package is available via composer suggest. (Available with an active product or support subscription.)
- We resolved the issue where customers saw a cached guest page after logging in.
- Rules now correctly process and restrict products based on customer attributes and groups.
- We addressed the issue where customers with undefined attributes were not properly filtered by adding an 'is undefined' condition.
Free Gift
- We added compatibility with the Amasty Countdown Timer for the Hyvä Theme.
- The 'Free Gift Banner,' 'Free Gift Bar,' 'Show Gift Product Name,' and 'Specify the Number of Items for the Popup' functionalities are now available for the Hyvä Theme.
- We fixed issues with selecting Free Gift options.
- We resolved an issue where custom product options were reset when adding a Free Gift to the cart.
- We fixed the infinite loading issue in the Free Gifts popup when containing 'Not Visible Individually' products.
- We corrected compatibility for the Free Gift Extended View functionality.
- We adjusted the Free Gift popup display when containing out-of-stock products.
Full Page Cache Warmer
- We resolved an error related to the GuzzleHttp method during warmer queue processing and cron jobs.
- The module now correctly identifies the Fastly caching tool in the Warmer Log and displays the warmed pages percentage.
Google Rich Snippets
- We optimized loading speed of Category pages with configurable products.
- We improved the performance of Category and Product pages when 'Category Rich Data' and 'Product Rich Data' settings are enabled.
- We removed 'Custom Properties' from the 'Offers' block in the schema markup.
Infinite Scroll
- We resolved the issue where the ‘Did You Mean’ and ‘Related Search Terms’ blocks were repeated on each page when Infinite Scroll was enabled.
- We fixed the error that occurred when deploying static content using the compact strategy.
- We corrected compatibility with Amasty Product Parts Finder, ensuring proper scrolling on finder pages.
Multiple Coupons
- Now it is possible to limit the number of coupons applied for one order. You can find the ‘amasty/module-coupons-max-qty’; package for installation in composer suggest. (Available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
- We addressed the error that occurred when using a coupon on configurable products with a cart quantity greater than half of the stock.
Order Attributes
- Compatibility with Adobe Payment Services was added (Available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).
Out of Stock Notification
- We resolved the error that occurred when running a cron job.
- Emails now display the correct customer data.
Payment Restrictions
- We resolved the issue with payment methods not displaying on the Checkout page.
- We fixed a console error that occurred when navigating to Checkout with an added product.
Pre Order
- We fixed the error that occurred while setup:di:compile command running.
- Now the Release Date is displayed correctly.
- We eliminated the error that occurred when creating an invoice for an order with a deleted product.
Product Labels
- Text labels in the center position now display correctly
- We resolved the issue with incorrect label positioning
- We adjusted the label display in the Recently Viewed Products widget and in the Related Products block
- We fixed the error that occurred when searching for out-of-stock products
Promo Banners
- Compatibility with GraphQL was added. You can find the 'amasty/module-promo-banners-graphql' package for installing in composer suggest (Available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription).
- Now it is possible to set the banner’s position in a row of products on the category page. The feature works for the banners with ‘Among Category Products’ position. (Functionality is temporarily not supported on the Hyva Theme (You can find the 'amasty/module-promo-banners-subscription-functionality' package for installing in composer suggest. It is included as part of an active product or support subscription).
- We resolved the issue with banners not being displayed on the product page when accessing it directly by its URL.
- We fixed the issue with the banner’s duplication on the category page while adding/deleting the products from the cart when the banner had ‘Among Category Products’ position and cart conditions enabled.
Push Notifications
- We resolved log error related to deprecated functionality.
- We fixed the error that occurred when accessing the Push Notifications Dashboard.
Request a Quote
- We addressed the error ‘No such entity with cartId’ that occurred in the quote cart
- Now the ‘Estimated Shipping Info’ section is displayed in the submitted quotes only when it contains information
Shipping Table Rates
- We removed the dependency on Magento Inventory modules, ensuring 'php bin/magento setup:di:compile' runs error-free even when these modules are disabled.
- We prioritized table rates configured with region, state, and city over those defined by country only.
- We resolved an issue where table rates were not displayed for a specific zip code.
Minor Improvements
- Automatic Related Products
- B2B Company Account
- Custom Form
- FAQ and Product Questions
- Gift Card Pro
- Improved Sorting
- One Step Checkout
- Shipping Rules
- Shop By Brand
- Social Login
- Special Promotions
That’s a wrap for the February updates! If you have feature requests or compatibility improvements you'd like to see, visit our roadmap board and share your suggestions – we’re always listening!