How to configure a Magento Contact Us form?

What is the Magento Contact Us page?

Magento Contact Us page is an easy way for customers to stay in touch with you. Customers can fill out a form to send a message with their wishes or thoughts to your store. When installing Magento Commerce, the Contact Us form is displayed by default. After submitting the form, a message appears with thanks for filling it.

Through the Magento 2 Contact Us page, your visitors or customers can send you inquiries, messages, or emails. This article will describe how to configure and customize your Magento Contact page.

How to configure the Magento 2 Contact Us form?

Step 1. To configure the Magento 2 Contact Us form navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration in the Admin.

Step 2. Choose Contacts in the left panel.

Step 3. Open the Contact Us setting and switch the Enable Contact Us option to Yes.

Step 4. The next step of Magento Contact Us form configuration is to expand the Email Options and set them:

email options

  • Send Emails To: set the email address to which messages are sent from the Contact Us form.
  • Email Sender: set the store ID as the email sender that appears as the sender of the message from the form.
  • Email Template: set a template that is used for messages sent from the Contact us form.

Step 8. Save Config.

How to customize Magento 2 Contact Us?

Magento 2 Contact Us can be customized based on your needs. Follow the steps to customize it:

Step 1. From the admin, navigate to Content > Items > Blocks.

Step 2. Find the Contact Us Info section and open it in the Edit mode.

Step 3. Go to the Content field and make the necessary changes:

  • Use the editor toolbar to format text, add images and links.
  • Use the Show/Hide Editor option to work with HTML.

Step 4. Save Block.

Extend the Magento 2’s functionality with a multifunctional Custom Form extension that allows you to create any form using different types and elements thanks to the built-in drag-and-drop form constructor.


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