How to resolve conflicts between Amasty’s and 3rd-party extensions?

As Adobe Solution Partner, we guarantee that our products are developed based on the high standards of Adobe, and the workflow is fully in line with the Business Code of Conduct requirements. 

Unfortunately, sometimes the functionality of our extensions can be hindered by conflicts with 3rd-party extensions. Have you experienced any difficulties of this sort?    

Here are a few fast fixes:

1) Deactivate a conflicting module

First, check if the functionality of a 3rd-party conflicting module is necessary for your Magento store.

  • Mostly, the conflicting extensions have similar functionality. And often the Amasty extensions include the functionality of similar plugins, so the functionality of the 3rd-party extension is simply redundant.
  • Also, there are cases when the 3rd-party extension is enabled, but either is not functioning or not supported any longer. And, in this case, it is better to disable it.

To disable the unused module:
Step 1. log in to the Magento server as a user with write permissions to the Magento file system
Step 2. add <magento_root>/bin to your system PATH
Step 3. run the following command to disable the module:

bin/magento module:disable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list>

<module-list> stands for a space-delimited list of modules to be enabled or disabled

This way, you’ll completely disable the extension and it won't affect any Magento functionality.

 2) Dependencies

Besides the above-mentioned methods, you can also fix the conflicts with the help of manipulation with dependencies.

Magento has a special <sequence> module configuration that helps to cope with the conflicts between the modules.

For instance, there is a conflict with Amasty_X and a 3rd-party extension, say, Company_Module. To create the dependency properly, you have to define the right loading order. For instance, we want to run the Amasty_X extension after the 3rd-party extension for making its work. We need to do the following:

  • 1) Open the file etc/module.xml
  • 2) Edit:










3) Go single-vendor

One of the main causes of conflicts between 3rd-party extensions is their incompatibility. In addition, using extensions from different vendors hinders getting timely support and solving problems related to extension conflicts. The single-vendor approach is what can keep your store running smoothly and eliminate possible incompatibility issues. Also, you cut down on the total cost of ownership (TCO), which means higher profitability for your business in the long run. 


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