If you're managing an e-commerce store with Magento 2, you might need the Magento 2 product filter to effectively get and manipulate product collections. A product collection in Magento 2 allows you to retrieve and filter products to suit your specific needs.
Let’s explore how you can leverage Magento 2 collection filter techniques to handle product collections effectively.
Now, you can get product collection in Magento 2 using many different conditions such as:
Note: Please change the code as per your requirement to getProductCollection() function.
Note: You can also add below text as value of type_id to apply different product type filters:
There are multiple filters you can use for product collection:
Just like filters, there are multiple ways to sort your product collection. Let’s look at them below:
Efficient product collection techniques in your Magento 2 store can significantly enhance your e-commerce operations. To further improve navigation and filtering, consider using Improved Layered Navigation for Magento 2. This tool offers advanced filtering options to boost user experience and conversion rates.
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