Magento gift card functionality can be implemented in several ways:
Now you will see the default Magento Gift Card configuration.
To create gift card in Magento 2 , you should follow the steps below:
Step 1. Navigate to Catalog > Products.
Step 2. Choose the Gift Card option in the Add Product menu.
Step 3. Select a set of attributes.
Step 4. Make the necessary settings: Specify the Product Name, SKU, and Card Type.
Use the Amount option to the needed to provide users with the choice of fixed amounts.
Switch the Open Amount setting to Yes if you want to allow users to choose the value of the card. Specify the range of values in the Open Amount From and To fields.
Step 5. Make the basic settings by specifying the Quantity in stock, the Weight for the cards that are to be shipped, and choose the Gift Card in the Categories setting.
Step 6. Go to the Gift Card Information section. The default settings will be applied there. If you want to change any options, simply deselect the desired setting.
Step 7. Specify the product info.
Step 8. Set the Enable Product switch to Yes and Save the config.
Magento 2 gift card module allows you to add a new product type to your store and offer various gift cards to your customers. It provides more customization options than the default Magento functionality. The extension simplifies code generation, card designs creation, and other processes connected to this product.
Magento 2 gift card extension is a tool that helps to increase your revenue. According to the research, 70% of adults buy at least one gift card during the holiday season and spend about $45 on it. Thus, you can see that this tool allows you to improve your profits. In addition, 72% of people who got a gift voucher from your store will spend an extra $18 over a prepaid amount of money.
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