How to install Amasty extensions from Magento Marketplace?
Starting with Magento 2.4.0, it’s recommended to install all the extensions via Composer.
How to install extensions via Composer?
→ Magento advises to backup your DB and enable the maintenance mode before taking any further steps.
- Go to My Profile and copy the extension’s Composer name;
- switch to your Magento project and update the composer.json file with the copied name of the extension:
$ composer require <component-name>
e.g.: $ composer require amasty/shopby
- enter your public (username) and private (password) authentication keys, if needed;
- make sure the extension is installed correctly and enable it:
$ bin/magento module:status amasty/shopby
$ bin/magento module:enable amasty/shopby
- if the module is enabled successfully, you’ll see the message:
Module is enabled
- register your extension and recompile Magento in the Production mode:
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento setup:di:compile
- clean the cache and set up the features:
$ bin/magento cache:clean
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