Search results for "buy n products, and get next products with discount":

3 best Magento 2 Page Builders compatible with top e-commerce themes
Why use Magento Page Builder? Page Builder is designed to modify your pages by dragging and dropping "content types" controls. This tool allows you to create and modify pages. You can use Page Builder in two ways: use existing content types or create...
AJAX does not work with "blanko" theme
To solve the issue concerning Improved Layered Navigation extension, please follow the steps: 1) Open file app/design/frontend/default/blanco/template/page/html/head.phtmland remove lines<script type="text/javascript">    &...
Amasty Shipping Restriction conflict with Shippingoverride2
To elimibate the conflict please: open the file  /app/code/community/Webshopapps/Shippingoverride2/Model/Shipping/Shipping.php add the following code:  /* Fix for Amasty Shipping Restrictions module */      ...
An error ocurred with Sage Pay: 3021 : The Basket format is invalid
If you get this error in Auto Add Promo Items with Sage Pay: 3021:The Basket format is invalid, please open the SagePay module configuration and turn off sending the basket to them.
Are any feed templates provided with Product Feed?

Yes, the Magento Feed extension offers you ready-to-use feed templates for most popular shopping engines, so there is no need to create feeds from the scratch.

Are new products created while duplicating a category?

No, duplicate products are not created. This means that a copy of the original category will have already existing products assigned to it.

Can alerts subscription be disabled for certain products?

with this extension you can enable the stock alerts block for all products by default and disable the display for particular items. If you need the out of stock disable, you should make some changes in the general product imformation. Follow the link below to see all the details."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15171,"3":[null,0],"4":[null,2,16777215],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"Arial","16":10}">Yes, with this extension you can enable the stock alerts block for all products by default and disable the display for particular items. If you need the out of stock disable, you should make some changes in the general product imformation. Follow the link below to see all the details.

Can clients combine store credit with other forms of payment?

and another available payment method to pay for one order, e.g.: combine store credit payment method with a bank card."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15169,"3":[null,0],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"\"Droid Sans\", \"Open Sans\", Tahoma, Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif","16":10}">Yes, it’s possible to use store balance and another available payment method to pay for one order, e.g.: combine store credit payment method with a bank card.

Can customers switch to any other available language and currency manually?

and currencies if you choose to redirect them automatically only during their first visit. Go on reading to see the settings."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15169,"3":[null,0],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"\"Droid Sans\", \"Open Sans\", Tahoma, Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif","16":10}">Yes, clients will be able to switch between available languages and currencies if you choose to redirect them automatically only during their first visit. Go on reading to see the settings.

Can brand pages be added to an XML sitemap?

Yes, provided you are using our get="_blank">XML Google Sitemap extension.

How can we help you?

Didn’t you find the answer to your question? We are always happy to help you out.