How to get/output order attribute value via PHP code in Magento 1?

Here you will find what to do if you want in Magento to get product attribute value by code. 

Please use the following code if you need to get order attribute value anywhere while using Order Attributes extension:


<?php $value = $order->custom('attribute_code'); ?>


where $order is order object, and attribute_code is a code of order attribute, created via the `Amasty: Order Attributes` extension.

get product attribute in catalog-add-to-cart.js in magento 2


How to get product attribute in catalog-add-to-cart.js in Magento 2?

To get a product attribute in `catalog-add-to-cart.js` in Magento 2, you need to extend or customize the JavaScript logic. Typically, this involves using a mixin or modifying the `catalog-add-to-cart.js` file to include additional product data. The steps are as follows:

  1. Identify Attribute: First, ensure the attribute you want is available on the product detail page, typically through Knockout.js or data bindings.
  2. Frontend Enhancement: In your custom theme or module, create a `requirejs-config.js` file to extend `catalog-add-to-cart.js` using mixins. This allows you to add custom functionality without directly modifying the core file.
  3. Access Data: Use JavaScript to access the product data stored in data attributes or through Knockout observables on the product page. Modify or extend the logic as needed.
  4. Refresh Cache: After making changes, clear the cache and refresh the JavaScript cache to ensure the updates are applied.

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