Magento 2 slick slider from Amasty is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a responsive slider of any complexity on your website. Its functionality allows you to implement looping, autoplay, transition effects, and much more. However, setting up this plugin requires technical knowledge. To do it without coding, you can use our Banner Slider extension. It provides the following functions:
highlighting banners with an animation
adding text to banners
specifying target URLs for each banner
setting up separate views for mobile and desktop and more.
To enable the Magento product slider on the homepage, you need to install and turn on our Banner Slider extension. Next, set up general settings according to your business needs, following instructions given in the user guide. After this, you can configure the product slider for the homepage. Read on to see the steps.
Step 1. Go to Content > Amasty Banner Slider > Manage Sliders to create it.
Step 2. Click on the Create New Slider button to set a new slider.
Step 3. Here you will see the creation area:
Step 4. Choose Slider name in the eponymous field.
Step 5. Then switch Status to on position in order to enable slider or to off to disable it. The status will be updated on the grid automatically.
Step 6. Choose Yes on the Enable Autoplay option to turn on the automatic slideshow. If it is off, users will need to switch them manually.
Step 7. You can set the time between switching slides in the Pause Time Between Transitions field. You can leave it empty then the default value will be applied (3500 ms).
Step 8. Save the changes.
The Magento 2 slick is set, but some more functions you can adjust in the same window:
animation (Pay attention that it affects transition speed)
styles of arrows and bullets
resize banners images by changing their width and height.
Get acquainted with more functions of the extension and check the user guide for more info about its settings.
To enhance your work with promotions, you can use Promotion Suite Pro. It can help to automate the work with promos and save time on setting them up.
Magento 2 Related Products slider allows you to show the products that are offered to the customer additionally, after the main purchase item is already selected. This allows you to increase the total value of the order.
To add a slider to the homepage in Magento 2 using the Amasty Banner Slider extension, you can follow these steps:
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="Amasty\BannerSlider\Block\Slider" name="amasty.banner.slider" template="Amasty_BannerSlider::slider.phtml">
<argument name="slider_alias" xsi:type="string">your_slider_alias_here</argument>
By following these steps, you can easily add a slider to the homepage in Magento 2 using the Amasty Banner Slider extension.
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