Search results for "product feed":

Can I display banners on certain product pages only?

product pages where your product banner should be shown: by SKU or by product attribute. Read the complete answer to follow the bit-by-bit instructions. "}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15169,"3":[null,0],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"\"Droid Sans\", \"Open Sans\", Tahoma, Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif","16":10}">Yes, there are two options for you to specify product pages where your product banner should be shown: by SKU or by product attribute. Read the complete answer to follow the bit-by-bit instructions. 

Can I display multiple labels based on product attribute values?

Any number of labels can be applied to a product simultaneously: 'on sale', 'save 30%', '100% recyclable'. It's possible to show a label 'new' together with other labels for one image, e.g. to the right side of the product pic. If you want to show labels in different areas, you need to modify the template.

Can I display product attachments in an existing block or tab on a page?

Yes, you can display attached files in an existing block or tab on a page. For this, you need to make relevant changes in the general settings of product attachments. Follow the link to see a screenshot.

Can I edit custom product attributes on the grid?

Yes, our Extended Product Grid extension allows adding custom product attributes and edit them right from the Magento admin grid.

Can I create multiple feeds?

The number of data feeds that can be generated with our extension is not limited.

Can I disable adding products to compare and wishlist?

Yes, you can hide the 'add to wishlist' and 'add to compare' buttons. Read on to make the settings on the first try.

Can I disable display of out-of-stock products in cross-sells, up-sells and related items blocks?

Yes, sure. Each block configuration has an option “Show in Stock Products only”. You need to set it to “Yes”, and out-of-stock items will be excluded.

Can I display products from multiple categories on my landing page?

products from more than one category on a landing page. Read on to see the screenshot."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":769,"3":[null,0],"11":4,"12":0}">Yes, the module allows for displaying products from more than one category on a landing page. Read on to see the screenshot.

Can I display some products on top of the list in spite of actual bestsellers data?

Yes, the 'sort products by popularity' feature will help you make sales more efficient, as you can bring to the top any product you need despite its actual data. Go on reading to see more details.

Can I export orders containing products with different tax rates?

Magento stores tax rules in the order items table, so you'll be able to export it with other order information.

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