Search results for "product feed":

Can I include a special price in the feed?

Yes, with Product Feed extension you can export "Final price" that includes special pricing for products (based on catalog pricing rules).

Can I include shipping cost to the free product?

Yes, you can allow or restrict free shipping for promo items. Free or paid shipping can be used applied to promo products, which is of a critical importance for heavy-weight or fragile products. To see the settings go on reading.

Can I let clients adjust the quantity of a product in a pop-up window?

product quantity in confirmation dialog' to yes in the AJAX cart general settings. Read on to see a screenshot."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":769,"3":[null,0],"11":4,"12":0}">Yes, AJAX Shopping Cart allows for quantity update right in a pop-up window. For this, you need to set 'Allow to change product quantity in confirmation dialog' to yes in the AJAX cart general settings. Read on to see a screenshot.

Can I let customers to buy only certain product types using store credit?

products as well all types of products. Follow the link to learn about additional possibilities."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15169,"3":[null,0],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"\"Droid Sans\", \"Open Sans\", Tahoma, Verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif","16":10}">Yes, you can enable clients to buy only simple or only configurable products as well all types of products. Follow the link to learn about additional possibilities.

Can I generate meta data templates for many products at once?

Yes, you can do that to save lots of time. The extension allows you to auto-generate meta-information. To see the instructions read the full answer.

Can I give customers a few options of free products to choose from?

Yes, you can not only add free gift to cart, but provide as many options as you like. You can specify SKUs of the products that are provided as free gifts and point them out as promo items. Depending on the number of promo items you set, you need to specify the discount amount. To see the screenshots read on.

Can I give users an access to sales data for specific products/categories?

Yes, you can do that. Just choose what particular sales data you want to open for viewing (order, sales reports and/or sales section) in System > Permissions > Roles > Role Resources. Category and product access can be configured on the Advanced: Categories and Advanced: Products tabs respectively.

Can I hide a particular shipping method or carrier for some products?

Yes, any shipping method can be limited to the products you want through the attribute values. Go on reading to get how to make it.

Can I hide price of products found in a particular category in bulk?

Yes, our Hide Price extension provides an ability to configure its settings on a category level. Go on reading to see a complete guide.

Can I import stock statuses for my products?

product attribute, so you can import it if needed. You can create stock statuses coming from products quantity, delivery time, like a 'coming soon' product status, etc."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":15171,"3":[null,0],"4":[null,2,16573901],"9":0,"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,3355443],"15":"Arial","16":10}">Yes, sure. A stock status is a product attribute, so you can import it if needed. You can create stock statuses coming from products quantity, delivery time, like a 'coming soon' product status, etc.

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