In terms of SEO, Magento breadcrumbs are links that help a user trace back their way from the place they are currently, e.g.: from a product page to the category page with the list of all products. The breadcrumbs indicate the structure of a website and can be of several types:
The type of breadcrumbs is used to Indicate the position of a page within a website hierarchy, e.g.: Home/Electronics/Computers/Laptops/MacBook Pro.
The type displays the path a user has made to get to a website’s page, e.g.: Home/Electronics/FAQ/Laptops/MacBook Pro.
The type is similar to the location one. The difference is that a keyword or attributes are used instead of a category, e.g.: Home/Electronics/Computers/Laptops/New/.
!Magento doesn’t support keyword breadcrumbs!
Magento provides its users with a possibility to run both location and attribute breadcrumbs.
The show of breadcrumbs on the Magento 2 product page is the functionality that is enabled out-of-box. You can them for the CMS pages. Go to Stores > Settings > Configuration, open the General tab, and click Web. Go to the Default Pages section and set Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages to No.
To add breadcrumbs to CMS pages, navigate to:
→ See how to show breadcrumbs on Magento 2 product page in the official guide.
When optimizing the breadcrumbs:
To make the structure of your website clear for search engines you can let Google, for instance, see the breadcrumbs through XML. With the use of the Rich Snippets extension, you are able to create a user-friendly navigation path instead of a link, which shows the way to the included product:
Moreover, you can pay attention to the page structure and optimize Magento store pages with our extension.
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