Search results for "buy+x+get+y":

How to use "Buy X Get Y - Fixed Discount: Buy X get Y with $10 Off " action

buy X get Y with fixed discount' promo. The feature permits specifying individual products (not only categories) for which the condition will be applied. To see a full guide, follow the link below. "}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":771,"3":[null,0],"4":[null,2,16043212],"11":4,"12":0}">With the use of the Special Promotions extension, you can launch a 'buy X get Y with fixed discount' promo. The feature permits specifying individual products (not only categories) for which the condition will be applied. To see a full guide, follow the link below.

How to get manufacturer name in Magento 2 product page?
A common issue Magento 2 users encounter when creating their Magento shop is creating the Magento 2 manufacturer page. Having relevant product information on all your store’s pages is a must, and without knowing how to get the manufacturer name on Magento...
How to get the current URL in Magento 2 blocks and templates?
Sometimes you need to get the current URL in your Magento 2 block or templates or get product URL in Magento 2. In Magento 2 to get store URL we usually work with the getCurrentUrl() function. Let’s see what steps you need to undertake. → Working on...
How to get the PWA add-on by Amasty for free?
What is the PWA addon offer? The PWA addon offer allows new customers to receive the PWA (Progressive Web App) add-on free of charge for the first year with the purchase of a subscription to the main product. How can I avail the free PWA addon offer...
How to get the shipment tracking number in Magento 2?

Providing the ability to track order numbers is an essential element for online shopping. This allows the buyer to track the delivery of the goods, find out about delays, and quickly resolve issues with the seller. Tracking shipment is an important point in supply chain management. So that store owners can implement a number of methods to get order tracking numbers in Magento 2. 

How to get/output customer attribute value via PHP code?

With the usage of the module, you can output the value using a line of code. The patch and the settings are highlighted in a complete answer.

How to get/output order attribute value via PHP code in Magento 1?

For this, you need to use an appropriate code line. Go on reading to copy the code.

How to set up the promo 'Buy N products, and get next same products free'?

To launch the promo where X is not equal to 1, you need to make changes in the 'Update prices' section: select the corresponding promo action, specify 2 as the 'Discount qty step' and set the discount amount to 1.

How to set up the promo 'Buy one product, get another one'?

To launch a 'buy X get Y free' promo with the Special Promotions Pro extension, you need to create a relevant Cart Price rule, set up a discount, choose 2 in the Discount Qty step and apply the rule to a product you need . See all the settings in the full guide.

How to set up ‘get free product’ promotion in Magento 2?

Say, you want to launch a promotion in your Magento 2 where customers will get a free product with the purchase of another product. How to do this? Let’s see.

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