What Magento 2 plugins by Amasty support API? [Part 1]

We often get questions about what our Magento 2 extensions support API and what methods they use. So, we decided to gather all this information in one place to make it easier for you to find. In this article, you can get acquainted with the first part of our extensions that support API.

Below you can see the table with the list of our modules and 4 methods they can use: post, put, get, delete. Some of the extensions send the method directly, and some of them use dependent modules. So in general, there are 4 possible options that we have marked with different colors:

  • The green color indicates the methods that the module can send by itself.
  • The red color indicates the methods that the module does not support.
  • The yellow color indicates the requests that extension sends through dependent modules.
  • The blue color indicates requests that the plugin sends through dependent modules and by the module itself.

Special Promotions for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Special Promotions Pro for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Loyalty Program for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Free Gift for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Reward Points for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Affiliate for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Promo Banners for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Multiple Coupons for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Generate and Import Coupons for Magento 2  ........... ........ ........ ...............
Special Occasions Coupons for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Promotions Manager for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Countdown Timer for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Abandoned Cart Email for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Follow Up Email for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............

Free gift for Magento 2

The Amasty\Conditions\Api\Negotiable\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class answers for:

  • quotation totals calculation from negotiable checkout;
  • calculating quote totals based on the address and shipping method.

You can make the POST method="calculate"/> request to this class.

Reward points for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\CheckoutRewardsManagementInterface class is responsible for:

  • Adding reward points to a specified cart;
  • Deleting points from a specified cart.

You can make the following requests to this class:

  • PUT method="set"/>
  • DELETE method="remove"/>

2. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\GuestHighlightManagementInterface class allows guests to get Highlight for certain pages. You can make the POST method="getHighlight"/> request to this class.

3. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\CatalogHighlightManagementInterface class can process the following requests:

  • POST method="getHighlightForProduct"/>//Highlight for product page only.
  • POST method="getHighlightForCategory"/>//Highlight for category page only.

4. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\CheckoutHighlightManagementInterface class returns Highlight for a specific customer by passing an ID. You can make the GET method="getHighlightByCustomerId"/> request to this class.

5. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\RewardsRepositoryInterface class returns the reward balance for the specific customer by an ID. You can make the following requests to this class:

  • GET method="getCustomerRewardBalance"/>
  • GET method="getByCustomerId"/>
  • POST method="getById"/>
  • POST method="getByCustomerId"/>

6. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\ExpirationDateRepositoryInterface class supports the following requests:

  • GET method="getItemsByCustomerId"/>//returns all the Expiration Date for the certain customer regardless of method;
  • POST method="getItemsByCustomerId"/>//returns all the Expiration Date for the certain customer regardless of method;
  • POST method="getById"/> //returns the Expiration Date by ID.

7. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\RewardsProviderInterface class can process the following requests:

  • POST method="addPointsByRule"/> //Function adds rewards points to customer account by ID according to Rewards Rule. The argument $amount should be more than zero or null. If the $amount/$comment is null, the value will be taken from the $rule.
  • POST method="addPoints"/>// Function adds rewards points to customers accounts by their ID.
  • POST method="deductPoints"/>//Function deducts rewards points from customers accounts by their ID.

8. The Amasty\Rewards\Api\RuleRepositoryInterface class can manage the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/> //calls the Save method via POST and creates new rule;
  • PUT method="save"/> //calls the Save method via PUT and edits the existing rule;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>//deletes the rule by ID;
  • POST method="getRulesByAction" />//Gets the rule by its action.

9. The Amasty\Conditions\Api\Negotiable\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class is responsible for:

  • quotation totals calculation from negotiable checkout;
  • calculation quote totals based on the address and shipping method.

You can send the POST method="calculate"/> request to this class.

Countdown Timer for Magento 2

The Amasty\PromoCountdown\Api\Service\DateDifferenceInterface class returns the difference between the current time and the time when the promotion should end. You can make the POST method="getDifference"/> request to this class.

Store Pickup for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Store Pickup with Locator for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Shipping & Payment by Customer Groups for Magento 2  ........... ........ ........ ...............
Shipping Costs Calculator for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Free Shipping Bar for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Shipping Restrictions for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Shipping Rules for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Shipping Table Rates for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Delivery Date for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............

Store Pickup for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\StorePickup\Api\GuestShippingMethodManagementInterface class is responsible for estimation shipping by address and returning the list of available shipping methods. You can send the POST method="estimateByExtendedAddress"/> request to this class.

2. The Amasty\StorePickup\Api\ShippingMethodManagementInterface class answers for estimation shipping can process the POST method="estimateByAddressId"/> request.

3. The Amasty\StorePickup\Api\ShipmentEstimationInterface class is answerable for estimation shipping by address and returning list of available shipping methods. It supports the POST method="estimateByExtendedAddress"/> request.

Store Pickup with Locator for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\StorePickupWithLocator\Api\GuestLocationPickupValuesInterface class saves store location, working hours, and days. It can process the POST method="saveSelectedPickupValues"/> request.

2. The Amasty\StorePickupWithLocator\Api\LocationPickupValuesInterface class saves a store location, working hours, and days. You can make the POST method="saveSelectedPickupValues"/> request to this class.

Free Shipping Bar for Magento 2

The Amasty\ShippingBar\Api\BarManagementInterface class returns all the info about the shipping bar and can process the POST method="getFilledData"/> request.

Shipping Rules for Magento 2 + Amasty_conditions

1. The Amasty\Shiprules\Api\RuleRepositoryInterface class is responsible for the rules configuration. It supports the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/> //creates a new rule;
  • PUT method="save"/> //changes the existion rule;
  • GET method="getById"/> //gets the rule by ID;
  • GET method="getList"/> //gets the list of all the rules;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/> //deletes the rule by ID.

2. The Amasty\Conditions\Api\Negotiable\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class answers for:

  • quotation totals calculation from negotiable checkout;
  • calculation quote totals based on the address and shipping method.

You can send the POST method="calculate"/> request to this class.

Customer Attributes for Magento 2 
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Order Attributes for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............

Order Attributes for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\Orderattr\Api\EntityDataRepositoryInterface class can manage the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/>// creates a new order attribute;
  • PUT method="save"/>// changes the existing order attribute by ID;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>// deletes the order attribute by ID;
  • GET method="getById"/>// gets the order attribute by ID;
  • GET method="getList"/>// gets the list of all the order attributes.

2. The Amasty\Orderattr\Api\CheckoutDataRepositoryInterface class supports the POST method="save"/> request that creates a new order attribute.

3. The Amasty\Orderattr\Api\GuestCheckoutDataRepositoryInterface class can process the POST method="save"/> request that creates a new order attribute.


Payment Restrictions for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Store Credit & Refund for Magento 2  ........... ........ ........ ...............
Gift Card for Magento 2
........... ........ ........ ...............
Cash on Delivery for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Stripe Payment for Magento 2
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Payment Restrictions for Magento 2 (Amasty_conditions)

The Amasty\Conditions\Api\Negotiable\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class is responsible for:

  • quotation totals calculation from negotiable checkout;
  • calculation quote totals based on the address and shipping method.

You can make the POST method="calculate"/> request to this class.

Store Credit & Refund for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\StoreCredit\Api\ApplyStoreCreditToQuoteInterface class supports the following requests:

  • POST method="apply"/>// applies store credits to the cart.
  • POST method="cancel"/>// cancels all applied to the cart store credits.

2. The Amasty\StoreCredit\Api\StoreCreditRepositoryInterface class can return the store credit balance to customers via the GET method="getByCustomerId"/> request.

Gift Card for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\GiftCard\Api\AccountRepositoryInterface class is responsible for configurations. It supports the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/>// creates a new account;
  • PUT method="saveCurrent"/>//changes an existing account;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>//deletes account order by id;
  • GET method="getById"/>//gets an account by id;
  • GET method="getList"/>//gets a list of all the accounts.

2. The Amasty\GiftCard\Api\ImageRepositoryInterface class is answerable for images for gift card settings. It can process the next requests:

  • POST method="save"/>//creates a new image;
  • PUT method="save"/>//changes an existing picture;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>//deletes an image by id;
  • GET method="getById"/>//gets a picture by id;
  • GET method="getList"/>//gets a list of all the images.

3. The Amasty\GiftCard\Api\CodeSetRepositoryInterface class answers for code set configurations.

It can manage the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/>//creates a new code set;
  • PUT method="save"/>//changes an existing code set;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>//deletes code set by id;
  • GET method="getById"/>//gets an code set by id;
  • GET method="getList"/>//gets a list of all the code sets.

4. The Amasty\GiftCard\Api\GiftCardManagementInterface class supports the following requests:

  • PUT method="set"/>//adds a gift card to a specified cart;
  • DELETE method="remove"/>//deletes a gift card from a specified cart.

5. The Amasty\GiftCard\Api\GuestGiftCardManagementInterface class can process the next requests:

  • PUT method="set"/>//Adds a gift card to a specified cart.
  • DELETE method="remove"/>//deletes a gift card from a specified cart.

Cash on Delivery for Magento 2

The Amasty\CashOnDelivery\Api\PaymentManagementInterface class can check availability of cash on delivery via the POST method="checkAvailable"> request.

Stripe for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\Stripe\Api\Quote\ApplePayGuestShippingMethodManagementInterface class support the next requests:

  • POST method="estimateByExtendedAddress">// estimates shipping by address and return list of available shipping methods;
  • PUT method="set">// sets the carrier and shipping methods codes for a specified cart.

2. The Amasty\Stripe\Api\Quote\ApplePayShippingMethodManagementInterface class can manage the next requests:

  • POST method="estimateByExtendedAddress">// estimates shipping by address and return list of available shipping methods;
  • PUT method="set">// sets the carrier and shipping methods codes for a specified cart.

PDF Customizer for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
Extra Fee for Magento 2 ........... ........ ........ ...............
One Step Checkout for Magento 2  ........... ........ ........ ...............
Thank You Page for Magento 2
........... ........ ........ ...............

Extra Fee for Magento 2 + Amasty conditions

1. The Amasty\Extrafee\Api\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class calculates quote totals based on the quote and fee. It supports the POST method="calculate"> request.

2. The Amasty\Extrafee\Api\GuestTotalsInformationManagementInterface class calculates quote totals based on the quote and fee. It can process the POST method="calculate"> request.

3. The Amasty\Extrafee\Api\FeesInformationManagementInterface class gets the fee according to the current quote and calculates the totals with this fee. It can manage the POST method="collect"> request.

4. The Amasty\Extrafee\Api\GuestFeesInformationManagementInterface class is responsible for receiving the quote based fee by the guest users and calculates the totals with this fee. You can make the POST method="collect"> request to this class.

5. The Amasty\Extrafee\Api\FeeRepositoryInterface class answers for rules configurations. It supports the following requests:

  • POST method="save"/>//creates a new fee;
  • PUT method="save"/>//changes an existing fee;
  • DELETE method="deleteById"/>//deletes fee by id;
  • GET method="getById"/>//gets a fee by id;
  • GET method="getList"/>//gets a list of all the fees.

6. The Amasty\Conditions\Api\Negotiable\TotalsInformationManagementInterface class is responsible for:

  • quotation totals calculation from negotiable checkout;
  • calculation quote totals based on the address and shipping method.

It can process the POST method="calculate"/> request.

One Step Checkout for Magento 2

1. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\AdditionalFieldsManagementInterface class adds custom fields and supports the POST method="save"> request.

2. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GuestAdditionalFieldsManagementInterface class adds custom fields for guest users and can manage the POST method="save"> request.

3. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GiftMessageInformationManagementInterface class updates a gift message via the POST method="update"> request:


4. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GiftWrapInformationManagementInterface class calculates quote totals based on the quote and fee. It supports the POST method="update"> request.

5. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GuestGiftMessageInformationManagementInterface class updates the gift message for guest users via the POST method="update"> request.


6. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\DeliveryInformationManagementInterface class updates the  delivery date with the help of the POST method="update"> request:


7. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GuestDeliveryInformationManagementInterfaceclass updates the  delivery date for guest users with the help of the POST method="update"> request.


8. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\ItemManagementInterface class supports the following requests:

POST method="update">//Updates the item quantity and its options:


POST method="remove">//Deletes time from the cart:


9. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GuestItemManagementInterface class supports the following requests:

• POST method="update">//Updates the item quantity and its options:


• POST method="remove">//Deletes time from the cart:


10. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\AccountManagementInterface class saves the password via the POST method="savePassword"> request.

11. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\GuestQuoteManagementInterface class caves guest customer data to the quote and supports the POST method="saveInsertedInfo"> request.

12. The Amasty\Checkout\Api\QuoteManagementInterface class saves the customer data to the quote. It can manage the POST method="saveInsertedInfo"> request.

See also our guides on:

According to the statistics, you may find helpfull the following question about guest checkout.


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