For more details see how the Custom Form for Magento 2 extension works.
The Custom Form Extension for Magento 2 lets you create web forms of various types to collect customer info. Use a special drag-and-drop constructor to generate multiple forms in seconds and customize them according to your requirements.
To configure email notification settings, please go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Custom Forms.
Enable Notification to Email - set to Yes to enable automatic notifications.
Send Emails To - specify email address that will receive notifications.
Email Sender - select the contact that will be used as a sender.
Email Template - choose a template according to which email content will be created.
In the Reply Form Configuration tab select Email Sender, Email Template and where to Send Blind Copy.
With the extension, you can also configure auto response.
Enable Auto Response - set 'Yes' to automatically answer the submitted form via e-mail. It delivers an e-mail to an address given in the form or an address specified in the customer account. The setting may be configured on a per-form level.
Specify email sender and choose an email template (Amasty Custom Form Autoresponder is set by default).
Show Submitted Forms in Customer Account - set to ‘Yes’ to enable your customers to view the submitted form title in their accounts.
Disable for Customer Groups - specify the customer groups for which the ability to view the submitted forms from the account will be disabled.
Allow Сustomers to Edit Submitted Data - set to ‘Yes’ to let customers edit data from submitted forms.
Notify When Customer Edits Data - set to ‘Yes’ to receive notifications every time when customers edit their submitted data.
Data Edit Template - choose the template for the email notifications related to submitted data edits.
Allow Customers to Delete Submitted Data - here you can allow or disallow customers to delete their submitted data.
Notify When Customer Removes Data - set to ‘Yes’ to receive notifications every time when customers remove their submitted data.
Data Removal Template - here you can choose a data removal template.
Enabled - set to Yes to display privacy policy consent message.
Consent Text - adjust the message. Use HTML to customize the information.
Enable - set to automatically add the emails from submitted forms to particular Mailchimp lists.
API Key - add the API Key from your Mailchimp account. See how to get key here.
Validate API Key - click this button to validate your API Key.
Google Api Key - fill in the key that will be used for Google Map Field. Click here to get API key.
Add Google Map Address and Image to PDF files - set to 'Yes' to allow for adding Google Map Address and Image to PDF files. Also, please check the Google API information related to PDF downloads.
Date Format - select the format according to which a date will be filled in and then displayed.
File Upload Links Lifetime (days) - after a set amount of days, file links will no longer be valid. Use “0” to disable this functionality. This feature is designed to protect the links to files and to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to them.
To see and manage all created forms in one place, go to Content → Custom Forms → Forms.
On a handy grid you can easily track forms Results, Edit, Duplicate them in the action column. Also, you can Export Submitted Data to CSV or PDF files. Perform mass actions via Actions dropdown menu (Delete/Disable/Enable) if needed.
Also, please check the Google API information related to PDF downloads.
You can Delete, Disable, and Enable forms on the grid via mass action:
Use Filters to quickly find the needed forms:
To create a new form, click the Add New Form button.
To generate a new Custom form you need to configure a number of general settings.
Enable Form - enable/disable each particular form.
Scheduled From/Scheduled To - here you can schedule a form display (e.g. to match the time of your marketing campaigns, etc.)
Title - specify the form title that will be displayed on the custom forms grid.
Code - use a form code for your admin purposes.
Success URL - set “/” to use AJAX without page reload. Form with file upload requires a page reload anyway. Leave empty for redirect to the homepage.
Store View - determine the store views on which the form will be displayed.
Customer Groups - select customer groups for which the custom form will be available.
Save Referer Url - set to Yes if you want to track the origin source of the form submission.
Use as Survey - set to Yes to restrict form submission, so that the user can submit the form only once. If set to No, a form can be completed by the same user unlimited times.
In the Custom Form Pro extension version, you can also adjust Mailchimp settings for each form.
Mailchimp List - choose the Mailchimp list to automatically add the customers’ emails from a form submitted data. Email Address Field value will be used for the guest submissions.
Enable Double Opt-In - if set to ‘Yes’, customers will receive a confirmation email from Mailchimp to verify their email. They will be added to the selected Mailchimp list only after confirmation.
You can configure admin notification on the level of a particular form. This will override the settings that are specified in General Settings.
Send Notification to Email - activate this option to notify store admins about new form submissions.
Recipients email - input recipient email for the customers' form data.
Email Template - select email template variant.
Email Address Field - choose a field to be used as email address for manual and auto response reply to the customer.
Hide Email Address Field - set 'Yes' to automatically hide Email Address Field in the form for logged in customer and use email address specified in the customer account.
Enable Auto Response - enable/disable autoresponder or use the system config value.
Email Template - pick up one of the default templates, use system config value, or create your own custom one so it can be chosen from this dropdown as well.
Within Custom Form Pro extension you can create and use departments to receive notifications about form submissions by customers (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).
To do this, follow these steps:
As a result, this dropdown will appear on the form frontend. You can choose whether to make it a required field or not, based on your needs. This way, customers can select which department their request (submitted form) will be sent to.
Form Design - select one of three available designs from the dropdown: Default (will be automatically chosen if no changes applied manually), Linear Theme or Circle Theme.
Submit Button - specify any custom text for the form submission button.
Success Message - fill in the text that will be shown to store visitors after the successful form submission.
Show on Button Click - enable this option to display a custom form in a popup window that appears on the button click.
Add Subscription Checkbox - set to 'Yes' to enable subscription checkbox for the form. The compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription.
and then specify it in the 'Email Address Field' within the Notifications tab of the form settings.
Here is the frontend example of Subscription Checkbox:
In the Form Creator tab you'll find a rich set of input types and form elements that can be used for each custom form you create. Just select the necessary field type and drag it to the form creation area. You can also create additional pages via +Add Page tab if needed.
The Input tab contains the following input types:
In the Select tab you can choose:
Here specify comma-separated extensions you'd like to allow. Don't forget to provide the default ones as well.
The Options tab offers a range of fields with predefined answers.
It's possible to add even more elements to your custom forms. In the Advanced tab you will find different title types to structure your web forms effectively.
Once all necessary fields are chosen and added to the form creation area, it's time to customize them by specifying field titles and other necessary info. Actually, you can edit each specific field right after dragging it to the form creation area.
To start editing the field, please hover the mouse over the corresponding field and click on the Edit icon.
After hitting the “Edit” icon, the field editing form will appear.
Code - fill in a custom form code that will be used in the backend for your admin purposes.
Field Title - specify a custom form name. Use it while filtering submitted data.
Class - here the type of the form is specified.
Custom Style - due to this option, you can customize the display of each particular field (font, color etc).
For instance, if you configure the following styles for a text field:
You'll see it displayed like this on the storefront:
You can apply multiple styles to a single field. In such cases, remember to separate them with semicolons.
Required - enable this option if you want to make this particular field required. It means that visitors won't be able to submit the form with this field blank.
Tooltip - here you can specify an additional text that will be displayed in the tooltip on the frontend.
Options - add as many new options for checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns as you need.
Toggle - if the Toggle option is activated, the checkbox will look like this:
For particular forms, you may also set Validation, Default Value, and Max Length.
In Dependency, specify any existing field and its particular option, which will trigger the occurrence of a dependent field you create.
Layout - set the layout with 1 up to 3 columns. If you choose 2 or 3 columns, the additional fields will be added to the row, in which the editable field is placed.
You may also use Regular Expressions in Validation field.
Also, you may include particular form values into notification emails. To do this, apply a unique code in the corresponding field.
Proceed to email template management. Navigate to Marketing → Email Templates and edit any Amasty Custom Form template.
To include a custom value, fill in the followng variable:
var response.getCode
Instead of the Code specify the provided earlier value.
Save the changes. Thus, the value that a customer will specify in this field of a custom form will be included in the notification as well.
Each custom form you create can be added to any CMS page. Simply copy the code and paste it into the CMS page you need.
Layout Embedding Code - to add a custom form to any place of your web store, insert this code into layout.
Custom forms could be also integrated into any place of the CMS pages via widgets (Content → Widgets → Add Widget), you just have to specify the form ID while creating a widget.
In the widget settings, you can also adjust the way how the form will be displayed (normal view ar a popup). Thus you can display the same form in different ways on different site pages according to your needs.
With the Custom Form Pro extension version, you can also adjust Customer Account settings for each particular form individually. If you will not change anything in the Customer Account tab of a form, general configuration settings will be applied to it.
Allow Сustomers to Edit Submitted Data - set to ‘Yes’ to let customers edit data from submitted forms.
Notify When Customer Edits Data - set to ‘Yes’ to receive notifications every time when customers edit their submitted data.
Data Edit Template - choose the template for the email notifications related to submitted data edits.
Allow Customers to Delete Submitted Data - here you can allow or disallow customers to delete their submitted data.
Form Contains Sensitive Data - set to 'Yes', if the form contains sensitive information. In such a case, if customer deletes their submitted data from the form, it will be removed in the backend as well.
Notify When Customer Removes Data - set to ‘Yes’ to receive notifications every time when customers remove their submitted data.
Data Removal Template - here you can choose a data removal template.
To keep track of the submitted customer data, please go to Content → Custom Forms → Submitted Data.
Export - to export a particular submitted entry, check its box on the grid, navigate to Export tab, and press Export button. Choose the needed export format: CSV or PDF.
Also, please check the Google API information related to PDF downloads.
You can instantly find all submitted data for each specific form by using the corresponding filter. All custom forms you create are automatically included in the filter.
You can also filter by Response status, Customer Email, and Survey type (if the form was a survey).
Click on the necessary submission to view the details.
Admin can respond right from the customers' submitted data.
In the PRO version of the Custom Form extension, the two additional columns are available in the Submitted Data grid:
Status - here you can see whether the particular customer data was edited by customer.
Updated at - in this column you can check, when the data was last time updated.
The module uses the following Google APIs:
Maps JavaScript API - allows you to show and use google map as a field in the form.
Geocoding API - allows you to convert coordinates to an address. Is used for pdf downloads. If API is not connected, the coordinates will be displayed.
Maps Static API - allows you to get a static image of google maps by coordinates. If the API is not connected, the map picture will not be shown
For these services usage, Google charges a fee according to tariffs related to the number of requests to each API separately. Also, Google provides $200 free monthly usage for API services. It equals approximately 10,000 PDF downloads with our Custom Form extension monthly. If you have more than 10,000 PDF downloads per month, please make sure to track your Google Map API quotas. You can check them here. Google Map API pricing can be viewed via the following link.
Take a look at the Custom Form examples displayed on the frontend. You can enable/disable any field types for each specific form and make necessary fields required.
Grid of submitted data in Customer Account (available in Custom Form Pro version):
To make additional functionality available, please install the suggested packages you may need.
Available with no additional fees:
- To use PDF functionality, please install the library dompdf/dompdf.amasty/module-magento-custom-form-graphql
- Install amasty/module-magento-custom-form-graphql module to activate Graphql and Custom Forms integration.amasty/module-custom-form-to-builder
- Install Amasty_CustomFormToBuilder module to activate the integration with Custom Reports Builder extension and create valuable reports about your Custom Forms.Available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription:
For Lite and Pro versions:
- Install this package in order to use the Newsletter Subscription functionality.amasty/module-custom-form-hyva
- Install CustomFormHyva module to activate the integration with Hyva Theme.amasty/custom-form-newsletter-subscription
- Install this package in order to use the Newsletter Subscription functionality.amasty/module-ga4-custom-form
- Install this package for forms interaction tracking compatibility.For Pro tariff plan only:
- Install this package to use custom Departments Email notifications functionality.The extension also works smoothly on mobile devices if combined with a ready-made PWA solution, due to which store admin can significantly improve the user shopping experience on smartphones.
If the add-on is installed, Venia theme will be displayed for this extension in the following way:
Single-page form on mobile devices:
Multi-page form on mobile devices:
Single-page form with the integrated Google Map on tablets:
1. Do you have or follow good secure development practices?
2. Do you conduct vulnerability assessment?
3. Do you do pentesting or web security auditing?
Find out how to install the Custom Form extension for Magento 2 via Composer.