For more details, see the way the Visual Merchandiser for Magento 2 extension works.
Employ a wide range of options to manage product listing of the catalog pages in various ways. Reach your marketing aims using configurable product sorting.
Just install the extension and go to any category to adjust its merchandising. When the Visual Merchandiser module is installed, it automatically replaces the Magento default product merchandising. All further settings are performed inside the categories.
With the Magento category page builder extension, you are able to create various catalog pages with any sorting order you need.
To create a new virtual category or edit the existing one, go to Admin Panel → Catalog → Categories.
Choose the category you want to edit or create a new one via Add Root Category/Add Subcategory buttons.
First, configure the general settings of the category.
Enable Category - set to Yes to make a category visible on the frontend.
Include in Menu - enable this option to add the category to your storefront menu.
Category Name - specify the title of the category.
Automatic Category - enable this functionality to collect and display only those products that match the specified conditions.
In a configurable product, all options of its simples are indexed, after which filtering is performed based on them. So, when a customer sets a filter for a specific option, every product containing that option is displayed, along with other options that our module does not hide.
Expand this tab to set conditions based on the attributes to display only the desired group of products.
Use the Conditions Tree to specify the necessary conditions or their combinations. After you click the Apply Conditions button, the category will display only the products that are matching the conditions.
You may also save time by duplicating the conditions of a particular category and moderate them if needed. Use the Import conditions from dropdown menu to choose the category which conditions you want to reproduce. The conditions will be retrieved to the current automatic category, afterwards you can modify them.
When the conditions are set, go to Products Merchandising section to see the products that are automatically retrieved by the applied conditions. You will also see the number of invisible items:
Items can become invisible in the following cases:
Once you set the conditions, go to Products Merchandising section to see the products that are automatically retrieved. Magento 2 category page builder extension allows to customize all categories, including dynamic and ordinary ones.
Sort Order - select from the dropdown the preferable way of the automatic ordering of the product listing.
Available options:
Search Products - find products within one current automatic category selection by SKU or name. Employ a search box at the top of the products merchandising listing.
In the Visible Items tab all the products that fall under the specified conditions are displayed. You can check their title, SKU, variation (color or size), price and stock availability. Due to this functionality, you can, for example, easily move out of stock products to the end of the list.
Drag-and-drop Magento items via page builder the way that is aligned with your current marketing needs.
{{ :magento_2:visual_merch:visual-merchandiser-visible-items.png?nolink}magento 2 visual merchandiser visible items}
Move to Top - simply click the button to send a particular product to the first position in the product listing.
Once you drag and drop a particular product using Magento category page builder, its mode is switched to Manual and it is “pinned” to a particular location. Which means it will remain in the same position even after the automatic sorting is applied.
For your convenience, the number of products per page in the admin panel equals the number of products customers see on the frontend. Thus, you will see how the products will be displayed to customers on each page.
In order to move products through the pages change the page number per the product you want to move to another page. As the page number is changed, the product becomes last on this page.
In this tab, you can specify the category’s description and add a catchy icon to attract more customers.
Promote the desired products by creating conditions-based virtual categories.