

See the way the Omnibus Price Tracker for Magento 2 extension works.

Guide for Omnibus Price Tracker for Magento 2

Make your Magento store compliant with the pricing requirements of the EU Omnibus Directive. Properly indicate Omnibus Prices to provide customers with clear and transparent pricing information and protect your store from heavy fines.

  • Display the lowest product price (Omnibus Price) from the last 30 days before the price change
  • Place Omnibus Prices both on product and category pages
  • Automatically calculate and show the minimum prices for all or only for discounted products
  • Track and manage price change history from the convenient grid
  • REST API Support
The new EU Omnibus Directive (2019/2161) has been in effect since January 7, 2020.
Magento 2 Omnibus Price Tracker extension is compatible with Hyvä themes. You can find the amasty/module-price-history-hyva package for installing in composer suggest (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription).

General Settings

To configure the general extension settings, please go to Stores → Configuration → Amasty Extensions → Extensions → Omnibus Price Tracker → General.

The following product types are supported by the extension: simple, virtual, downloadable, configurable, bundle, grouped.

Enable Price History - select Yes to enable the extension and start collecting price change data.

Please, be aware that the extension starts tracking and collecting price change information only after its enabling. It means you can’t view the old price change data (for the period before the extension’s enabling) on the grid.

Price History Auto-Cleaning - set to Yes if you’d like to have price change records automatically removed after the specified time period in days expires.

Auto-Cleaning Period in Days - specify the number of days after which old records will be removed automatically.

Display Omnibus Prices On - choose where you want to display Omnibus Prices:

  • None;
  • Product Pages;
  • Product and Category Pages.

Period in Days - set up the exact period in days prior to the price changes which the extension will use for the lowest price (Omnibus Price) automatic calculation.

Please note that in the current version of the Omnibus Price Tracker extension, the date of the price reduction is not included in the lowest (Omnibus) price calculated period by default.
The extension allows specifying any number of days as a base for the Omnibus Price calculation. However, according to the EU Omnibus Directive, the lowest price calculated period must be not shorter than 30 days prior to the application of the price reduction.

Display Mode - select the product type to display Omnibus Prices on:

  • Discounted Products - products with valid discounts;
  • All Products - all enabled products.
The EU Omnibus Directive requires the indication of Omnibus Prices for products with reduced prices (the discounted products option) only. However, the extension also offers the option to display Omnibus Prices for all existing catalog products.(the all products option).
You have the flexibility to manage the Omnibus Price display for specific products on their edit pages. To do this, navigate to CatalogProducts → select the desired product → click Edit in the Action column → find and open the Omnibus Price tab → disable the Omnibus Price display for the selected product (if needed) by toggling the Hide Omnibus Price setting to Yes.

Additionally, you can hide Omnibus Prices for multiple products simultaneously using the mass action functionality on the Products grid.

Note: the Enable Price History and Display Omnibus Prices On general settings take precedence if set to None. This means that if the extension is disabled or the display of Omnibus Prices is turned off, Omnibus Prices will not be displayed even if Hide Omnibus Price is set to No.

Display Omnibus Prices of Child Products - If enabled, child (simple) products of configurable products will be displayed with their own Omnibus price instead of the parent product's Omnibus price.

Please note that enabling this setting may affect site performance.

Hide Omnibus Prices for Selected Group(s) - choose the customer group(s) you don’t want to show the blocks with the lowest product price (Omnibus Price).

Please note that Omnibus prices won't be displayed for the selected customer groups.

Tax Support

The inclusion or exclusion of taxes in Omnibus Prices depends on the general configuration of tax display and application settings for regular catalog prices (Catalog Prices, Display Product Prices in Catalog). To check these settings, navigate to Stores → Configuration → Sales → Tax → Calculation Settings / Price Display Settings tabs:

The prices with taxes applied can be viewed by registered customers only.

Price Change History Grid

After the Omnibus Price Tracker extension is installed and enabled, it starts tracking price changes. All these price changes are recorded on the grid where you can monitor and filter price change history to meet your particular needs.

With the extension, you can capture price changes made by admins from the admin panel (special price applications, changes to regular prices, and modifications via catalog price rules). Additionally, the extension records price changes made through other methods:

Please be advised to perform a reindex after price changes are made to ensure accurate updates are reflected.

Filter the recordings on the grid by SKU, ID, date, new and latest price, website, or use combinations of different filters to rapidly find the ones you exactly need.

Manually delete unnecessary or old price recordings by choosing them on the grid and clicking on the Delete option in the mass action dropdown.

Also, clicking the Restore button enables you to clear old price change recordings and refresh the Price Change History log. Afterward, the extension captures the latest product price updates and records them in the log to establish a basis for displaying the Omnibus prices.

Go directly to the product edit pages by clicking on the View Product options in the Action column.

Frontend Examples

Here is an example of the product page with a special price applied:

This is the product page with the several price changes:

See how the Omnibus Prices are displayed on the category page:

Multi-Store Support

The Omnibus Price Tracker extension allows to capture price changes for each website separately, supporting various currencies. It records price changes on the grid and displays the lowest prices on the frontend, according to the currency and price values configured for products on each specific website.

To utilize this functionality, ensure that the Catalog Price Scope feature is configured for the Website setting. Otherwise, it won’t work. To review the configuration, navigate to Stores → Configuration → Catalog → Price → Catalog Price Scope.

If you want to check which currency is assigned to a particular website or change it if needed, go to Stores → Configuration → General → Currency Setup. Remember to switch to the needed website before making any changes.

View how the price changes from different websites are recorded on the grid:

You can conveniently filter the recordings by website.

Here are frontend examples:

Main Website (dollar):

Italian Website (euro):

REST API Support

The extension includes REST API Endpoint support. Store admins may use the following methods to get information about Omnibus prices:

  • “/V1/products” method=“GET”
  • “/V1/products{sku}” method=“GET”

GraphQL request

You can obtain Omnibus price information (if available) when retrieving product information via GraphQL. An example of such an extended GraphQL request is provided below:

query {
  filter: { sku: { eq: "SKU" } }
) {
  items {

Find out how to install Omnibus Price Tracker for Magento 2 via Composer.

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magento_2/omnibus_price_tracker.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/16 19:44 by kkondrateva